Alar Raabe Phone: (37 2) 6 462 171
2008 ITIL v3 Foundation Training, 21-23.04. Hewlett-Packard OY Eesti Filiaal, Tallinn
2005 Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, 4-8.07. Univ. of Minho, Braga, Portugal
2003 2nd Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science, 10-14.08. Taagepera, Estonia
2002 QPR Championship in Business Management, 2002 Tournament Semifinals, Helsinki, Finland
2002 Summer School on Generative Programming, 4-7.06. TUT, Tampere, Finland
2001 QPR Championship in Business Management, 2001 Tournament, Helsinki, Finland
2001 Summer School on Software Architecture, 13-17.08. TUCS, Turku, Finland
1999 Courses of Teamwork and Negotiation Techniques, Invicta, Tallinn, Estonia
1999 Courses of Insurance Application Architecture (IAA), IBM IEC, La Hulpe, Belgium
1997 Courses of San Francisco Frameworks, IBM IEC, La Hulpe, Belgium
1995- Ph.D. studies, Software Engineering Environments, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, main research concentrated on the dependencies of software engineering process from the problem domain
1984-88 Postgraduate studies, Software ofComputers and Computer Systems, Institute of Cybernetics of EstonianAcademy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
1978-83 Dipl. Eng., cum laude, Computer Systems, Tallinn Polytechnical Institute, Tallinn, Estonia Graduation thesis: "Design, Implementation and Testing of General Purpose Macroprocessor"
1967-78 Tallinn First Secondary School, Tallinn, Estonia Major: Mathematics; minor French
2023- Architect Transformation Lead, CTO Office, Swedbank AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: develop, monitor and enforce high-level frameworks that align organization's IT infrastructure with business processes/data to improve the efficiency and productivity of business operations; follow-up on the Swedbank Target Architecture; develop and maintain Architecture Repository; support architects and facilitate communication between business and technical teams
2016-23 Enterprise Architect, Group IT, Enterprise Architecture and Operational Excellence Unit, Swedbank AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: representative of enterprise architecture function for Large Corporates and Institutions and for Group IT in Swedbank Group, support for business architects in business units, harmonization of other architecture domains with business domains, participation in Group Target Architecture development and development and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture Framework
2010-16 Business Architect SEAF, Swedbank Group IT CIO Strategy and Architecture Office, Swedbank AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: top coordinator and representative of architecture function across the Swedbank Group within business architecture domain, support for business architects in business units, harmonization of other architecture domains with business domains, participation in IT strategy development and architecture compliance processes, development and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture Framework
2007-10 Functional Architect, CIO Office of Architecture and Infrastructure, Swedbank AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Business Architecture layer in the Enterprise Architecture Framework, development of Enterprise Architecture Framework, assurance of architecture conformance of business developments, support and development of business architects in business units
2006-07 Chief Technology Officer, Product Development and Technology Unit,Profit Software AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Development of product concepts, evaluation of newtechnologies and tools, consultation and support activities,cooperation with the international customers
2005-06 Development Manager, Product Development and Technology Unit, Profit Software AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Management of product development process,consultation and support activities, cooperation with the internationalcustomers
2003-05 Research Manager, Insurance Expertise Unit, Profit Software AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Management of research, consultation and supportactivities in insurance, cooperation with the international customers
2002-07 Director, Gefex Soft OÜ, Tallinn Estonia
Responsibilities: Strategic and operative management of Gefex OÜ; management of international cooperation
2002-03 Chief Software Architect, International Operations Unit, Profit Software AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Management of project portfolio; architectural development; cooperation with the international customers.
2001-02 Chief Software Architect, Product Development Unit, Profit Software AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Further developing and productizing current assets; harvesting the product potential from customer projects; local management
2000-01 Chief of Product Development Unit, AS AETEC, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Leading the development of insurance softwareproducts under the trademark Once&Done (registered to ProgressiveFinancial Technologies, Profit Oy, Helsinki, Finland)
2000-01 Council Member of AS AETEC, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Participating in the strategic management of AS AETEC
1996-00 Chief Software Architect, Aeteci Finantsvara AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Strategic management of insurance softwaredevelopment and leading the development of the distributedobject-oriented architecture for insurance systems
1996-00 Council Member of Aeteci Finantsvara AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Participating in the strategic management of Aeteci Finantsvara AS
1994-96 Board Member and Director, Aeteci Finantsvara AS, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Strategic and operative management of insurancesoftware development and operative management of Aeteci Finantsvara AS
1992-94 Software Manager, AS AETEC, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Developing the object-oriented architecture ofinsurance systems, leading software projects and managing software production environment
1991-92 Scientist, C/e AETEC, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Leading software projects and managing software production environment
1988-91 Scientist, Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Studying of Software Engineering Environments and CASE systems
1985-88 Junior Scientist, Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Studying of Software Engineering Environments and CASE systems
1979-85 Engineer, Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Participating in the development of CAD systems and software tools
1977-79 Senior Technician, Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
Responsibilities: Participating in the development of CAD systems
Family Status
Nationality Phone Mobile e-mail
June 8, 1960
three children
(+37 2) 6 462 171
(+37 2) 53 322 266
mailntscp@netscape.net Excellent
A.Raabe, Feature Matching in Model-Based Software Engineering, Proc. 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2004), Porto - Portugal, 14-17 April 2004, 3, pp. 163-172
A. Raabe, Software Engineering Environment for Business Information Systems, Proc. 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2003), Angers - France, 23-26April 2003, 3, pp. 129-137.
A. Raabe, Techniques of combination of metamodel extensions, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 2002, 8, 1, pp. 3-17.
I. Melnikov, A. Raabe, Expert System Based Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Environment, In Proc. 5. Symposium “Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Informatik” 6.-8. Februar1990, Wissenschftliche Tagungen der Technischen Universität Karl-Marx-Stadt, 6/1990, pp. 180-188.
I.A.Melnikov, A.S.Raabe, B.G.Tamm,Zarubeznye sredstva machinnoi podderzki cikla zizni programnogo obespechenija (Obzor i analiz), Tallinn, 1988, pp.72 (Foreign facilities for computer aided support for software life cycle (Review and analysis))
Melnikov I.A., Raabe A.C., Tamm B.G.,Instrumentarii machinnoi podderzki cikla zizni programmnogo obespechenija (obzor zapadnyh sredstv), Prikladnaja informatika,Moskva, Finansy i Statistika, 1988, pp. 16-40 (Instruments of computer aided support for software life cycle (review of western facilities))
I.A. Melnikov, A.S. Raabe,Eksperimentaljnaja sistema avtomatizacii razrabotki prikladnyh programmdlja metamonitornoi sistemy MEMO, Avtomatizacija projektirovanija iproizvodstva s primeneniem EVM i chislovogo programmnogo upravlenija vmachino- i priborostrojenii. Tezisy dokladov, Tallinn, 1984. (Experimental system for automatic development of application programs for meta-monitor system MEMO)
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