Writings on Software Engineering

Feature Matching in Model-Based Software Engineering
   --> ICEIS 2004, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
   --> Proceedings of ICEIS 2004, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 14-17 April, 2004, Volume 3, llk. 163-172
   --> Presentation #341 slides
   --> Selected into Best Papers: Enterprise Information Systems VI, Seruca, I.; Cordeiro, J.; Hammoudi, S.; Filipe, J. (Eds.) 2006, XIV, 326 p., ISBN: 978-1-4020-3674-3

Software Engineering Environment for Business Information Systems
   --> ICEIS 2003, 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
   --> Proceedings of ICEIS 2003, 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Angers, France, 23-26 April, 2003, Volume 3, llk. 129-137
   --> Presentation #198 slides

Techniques of combination of metamodel extensions
   --> ETA Toimetised Tehnikateadused 8/1, Märts 2002, llk. 3-17
   --> Draft (first submitted version)


Software Architecture
   --> Course ICM0027 "System Architecture Foundation", 2018, TTÜ, 2017/2018 spring semester
   --> Lecture "Software Architecture. An Introduction", 2013, TTÜ, 30.09.2013  video
   --> Lecture "Software Architecture. An Introduction", 2012, TTÜ, 22.10.2012 (TU, 26.10.2012)   video
   --> Lecture "Software Architecture. An Introduction", 2011, TTÜ, 26.09.2011   video
   --> Seminars "Software Architecture", 2009
   --> Lecture "Software Modularity -- Value & Measuring", 2008
Model-Driven Development. Model-Driven Methods in Software Engineering
   --> Lecture "Model-Driven Development. Model-Driven Methods in Software Engineering", TTÜ, 09.12.2013  video
   --> Lecture "Model-Driven Development. Model-Driven Methods in Software Engineering", TTÜ, 08.10.2012  video
   --> Lecture "Model-Driven Development. Model-Driven Methods in Software Engineering", TTÜ, 03.10.2011  video
   --> Lecture "Model-Driven Development. Model-Driven Methods in Software Engineering", TTÜ, 18.11.2008
Seminars "Software Project Management", TTÜ 2002 spring semester
Lectures LDX5600 "Projektijuhtimine ja CASE", TTÜ 1995 autumn semester


Feature Matching in Model-Based Software Development, ESSCaSS'03 on 12.08.2003
   --> ESSCaSS'03, Taagepera, Estonia, 10-14 August 2003


Today the business processes become more and more dependent on the software, and must change very rapidly in response to the market changes. Initial results from software development should be delivered with a very short delay, and have to be deployable with minimal costs. When the business volume grows, or the business processes change, supporting software systems must be able to grow and change along, without impeding the business process, and without a major reimplementaion effort. The achievement of different non-functional requirements (e.g. qualities of service), required for business information systems, requires different implementation technologies, which themselves are rapidly evolving, to be used and combined.

As a result, there is a growing need to make business information systems development cycle shorter, and independent of underlying technologies, which themselves often evolve without offering backward compatibility. Therefore main body of reusable software assets of an enterprise should be independent of implementation technologies, and from them the implementation artifacts should be automatically synthesised.

Model driven synthesis of software (e.g. OMG MDA), where main developed artifacts are the implementation technology independent models of required software, deals with these problems.

In the article we describe a method, applicable for synthesising business software implementations from technology independent business models. This method is based on establishing a common feature space for problem and solution domains for the business information systems, and on the extended meta-models and separate step of solution domain analysis, described in the previous articles. In the proposed method synthesis of business software implementation from the technology independent business analysis model is performed in two steps.

First a solution domain or software architecture style is selected by matching the explicitly required features of given software system and implicitly required features of given problem domain to the features provided by the software architecture style.

Next all the elements of given business analysis model are transformed into elements or sets of interconnected elements of selected architecture style, by matching their required features to the features provided by the elements of selected architecture style. During this step the structure of common feature model drives the decomposition of implementation.

In both steps it is possible to define the cost functions for selecting between different alternatives, which provide same features.

Presented method is applicable to OMG MDA for transformation or mapping of platform independent model (PIM) to platform specific models (PSMs). The difference of our method from other domain specific and model-based methods is the separate step of solution domain analysis, and using common feature space to select architecture style and specific implementations.

   --> slides
Meta-modeling and meta-model extensions in the construction of software, TTÜ, 22.02.2001

To make the analysis and design process more effective, a more specific framework, than generic analysis and design meta-models (e.g. UML meta-model) should be given to the analyst and designer. Extensions of the generic analysis and design meta-models can be used in the software engineering as guiding framework for analysis and design. Extended analysis meta-model, that embodies domain specific knowledge, guides analyst during the analysis process, and similarly extended design meta-model, that embodies architecture specific knowledge, guides designer during the design process. In the article we will study the problems of combining several meta-model extensions and offer a solution to interoperability of meta-model extensions. Additionally we discuss how the implementation generators can use meta-model extensions.

   --> slides
Problem-oriented Synthesis of Business Software, EÜP, 11.10.2000
   --> slides on problem-oriented synthesis of busines software in Estonian
   --> slides on application of problem-oriented synthesis for insurance software in Estonian

Studies and Lecture Notes (in Estonian)

Mallid tarkvara disainis (LAI8320, Patterns in Software Design in Estonian)
Tarkvarasüsteemide arhitektuur (LAI9710, Architecture of Software Systems in Estonian)
Agendipõhine tehisintellekt (LAC9800, Agent-Based Artificial Intelligence in Estonian)
Dokumendikesksed tarkvaratehnoloogiad (Document Oriented Software Technologies in Estonian)
Organisatsiooni- ja arendusprotsessi mallid (Development Organization and Process Patterns (from J. O. Coplien, A Development Process Generative Pattern Language) in Estonian)
Projektijuhtimine objektorienteeritud tarkvara tegemisel (Project Management for Object-Oriented Software Development (from A. Goldberg, K. S. Rubin, Succeeding with Objects) in Estonian)


Milleks on vaja tehingutöötluse monitori (Why we need Transaction Monitors in Estonian)
Copyright © by A.Raabe